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  • Writer's pictureRFKemp

HeroesCon 24 and more!Plus, A Curious Machine issue 1 exclusive

Hello friends,

I want to start by remembering Ed Piskor. I know his personality wasn’t for everyone, and he did some questionable things, but we can all agree that his passion for comics was unbeatable. I hate what happened and feel less happy with his energy gone.

RIP Ed, and his family and friends are in my heart.

Please seek help if you are feeling like you may be in trouble.

What has me in my feels, of course, is Heroes Con next week. Ed and Jim are a staple there, and it will be an emotional situation. Ed’s sister will be at his table with his art. I will be at C-AA-403 with my good pal Joseph Christy. Shame on you if you don’t know his work, and you should fix that immediately.

I will have 25 copies of A Curious Machine number 1. John Sparx will finally make his debut! I am extremely stoked about this and can’t wait for you to see it. My original plan was to publish this story as a complete graphic novel, so there may only ever be 25 copies of issue 1 in the world. Something to think about…

I will have exclusive ACM prints including the advertisements I created for the world John lives in.

I will also have more copies of War Priest, Don’t Ever Blink, and Cthulhu Invades Wonderland ( a wonderful anthology I contributed to from the fine folks at Orange Cone Productions.)

One final piece of business: I plan to pull my art from most social media platforms and will not check them very often. My method of communication will be right here (and I know this platform has its fair share of problematic skeletons in its closet too, but until the world is a better place, I don’t know what else to do), and my art will be posted on my own website, I also have a merch store on my website featuring things from all of my IPs!

I also plan to ramp up my YouTube channel. I would be forever grateful if you would subscribe. Please feel free to tell anyone you might think would like A Curious Machine or my other work. I hope to see some of you next weekend!

Thanks, everyone!

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